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Lebanese American University


Mr. Joseph Abi Ghosn

Mr. Joseph Abi Ghosn ‘01 is the owner of ENJM. 

ENJM was first established in 1993 owned by Edward & Marie Abi Ghosn along with their two daughters and the name came from the initials of all four names. When their youngest son Joseph Abi Ghosn graduated from LAU in 2000-2001 holding a bachelor degree in Business Management, he took charge of the company and became the Owner/CEO with his parents and changed the name to become ENJM Energy for a junior Market.

Prior to that date, it was only a work of purchasing from one supplier Tripoli Oil Installation and selling at the ENJM gas station in Jbeil. Except when Joe started working for his company in 2000, it started to develop into 3 gas station owned by ENJM, and 43 venture ones. The number of employees went from 4 to 43 including Egyptian workers on the gas stations owned by the family. As for the number of trucks it went from 4 to 26 of all capacities, while the Diesel & Fuel total storage became 3 Million liters in our gas stations adding 5 Million liters in companies at Duty Free zone areas.

ENJM gas station provides services to: LAU (both campus) Liban Cables, Rizk Hospital, Hawa Chicken, Maronite Community in all branches (Maounat, USEK, ST. Charbel…) The number of sales show the progress made throughout the years: 2.5 Million Dollars back then to 109 Million Dollars at this moment.

Due to the hard work done, the company won the golden PAN Arab web award for the oil & gas section in 2008, and in 2009 Joe was on the cover of Masculin magazine. Along with ENJM, Joe was working on establishing other companies namely: Express Petroleum, First Space, Abi Ghosn Trading, Abi Ghosn Enterprises and Abi Ghosn Construction.

As a business minded oriented, Joe believes in developing a necessity type of business for many reasons including the economical instability in the region. The diversification he is working on includes the fuel, the water and the construction industries. The main and latest project is CRONUS, it is a small village facing the Lebanese American University, an innovative dorm made of 6 buildings, 220 rooms, with many services including a prepaid laundry room, a cafeteria, mini beauty center, library, playing room for play station and board games, a spa, a gym and a pool used in summer and winter, in addition to a shuttle service connecting the university and the dorms. Some sponsorship has been given under the name of ENJM: Basketball team of Byblos Sporting Club and Volleyball team of Blat Sporting Club as well as many events like Ehmej Yearly Summer Festival.

Joe’s motto in life is: “We don’t need a reason to help people”.


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