Join a Chapter
As a member of a chapter you can take part in community affairs, attend special events and gatherings, and enjoy a variety of benefits and services.
There are currently 43 LAU chapters worldwide who contribute to the advancement of LAU’s mission.
If you cannot find a chapter near you, you can start your own provided there is sufficient interest among the alumni in your area. To do so, you will need a core group willing to form an organizing committee and motivate others to get involved and attend events.
The organizing committee would have to:
- Review LAU’s Alumni Constitution and Bylaws in detail.
- Establish types of activities and number of members.
- Meet with someone from the Alumni Relations Office for guidance and direction.
- Call a formal meeting with as many alumni as possible, once the committee has formulated its ideas and objectives.
Making your chapter official requires a vote among the alumni who attend the initial meeting. The organizing committee can serve as a nominating committee to develop a slate of officers for a future election date. In the meantime, alumni are free to select temporary “leaders”.
For more details, contact the Alumni Relations Office.